Lake Forest recommends option for El Toro Interchange project

The Lake Forest City Council will send a letter to the Orange County Transportation Authority and Caltrans on its preferred option to improve the I-5 El Toro Interchange.

City Sr. Communications & Marketing Analyst Jonathan Volzke says the Council had two options. One is construction of a flyover structure that directly connects the southbound I-5 freeway and joins with the existing Bridger Road.

The other option is the construction of new southbound collector distributor system and new on and off ramps.

He says the Council chose the non-fly-over option because it would preserve the businesses on Bridger Road.

He says Caltrans and the OCTA will decide which option to pursue.

Construction on whichever option is selected won’t begin until after the current I-5 Widening Project is complete and that would occur around 2028.


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