Lifting Up Survivors of Domestic Violence

In this episode, we’re looking at the fundamental human need for safety and security, something we all hope to find at home. Unfortunately, many people do not have a safe home environment.

Maricela Rios-Faust from Human Options in Irvine and Mark Lee from Women's Transitional Living Center in Fullerton join us for a practical conversation on ways we can all become supporters and advocates for family and friends who might be suffering abuse, and the power of a holistic and trauma informed approach in empowering survivors to create their own journey of healing.


24-hour Hotline: 877-854-3594

Visit Human Options online


24-hour Hotline: 877-531-5522

Visit WTLC online

We get uncomfortable because we think that we have to offer the perfect solution for our friend and our neighbor and our family member.

Really it becomes more about letting them know they are loved, letting them know when they’re ready to take action you will be there for them, and then trusting them to make the decision that is right for them.

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Physically Distanced, Socially Connected